Par & Jack Pics...(updated 11/26/11))

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A post to settle you down...

I had planned on not posting until Jack was here. I had planned on delivering Jack weeks ago. I had a lot of plans--but they aren't exactly working out as we thought right now.
So I thought I would let you know that I am currently STILL PREGNANT--I have not had a baby. I am physically feeling fine, but very pregnant. I am ready to get the show on the road. And no, I haven't forgotten to call you and share my baby calm down!
As excited as I am to meet Jack, I am also excited to wait for him to decide to come on his own (as we did with Par)--so as hard as it is--we are joyfully anticipating his arrival regardless of our own plans--this has been a nice parallel to our Advent season.
So--sit tight my friends--baby Jack will be here soon and we can't wait to share the news!


tarheelmom said...

very excited...can't wait for the post...we're stopping by FOR daily! good luck!

NC cousins

Sarah Brown said...

We are looking forward to Jack's arrival and keeping you all in our prayers. Glad you are feeling well!

*super dude and super dog* said...

Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see pictures of Jack :)

b said...

Only a person in your current state could get away with essentially saying, "Stop calling me, stop asking me, stop posting questions, just stop it - because you are all getting on my nerves!" (I say that laughing bc it is a joke - no offense intended). Even though I know that you know this, all those asking do so only out of concern and shared joy & excitement for you. I shall, too, just sit back and wait! ;o)~

b said...
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Kate said...

So, maybe when you thought you were going to have him on the just meant DECEMBER 16th! Best of luck!

Ole Miss Mom said...

WOW...I don't know HOW you're going so long overdue! I was in so much pain towards the end of my pregnancies! You seem to be in good spirits! He WILL come out! :-)