WARNING: Very graphic birth pictures are included in slideshow about Jack's birth
So I've been putting off the update because it seems SO overwhelming--there is SO much to say--because let's face it, my last true update was Par's birthday...since then we've had: Thanksgiving, a baby, Christmas, New Year's, and Jack's baptism.
Ok...we'll start with right after Par's birthday--I was certain I would give birth in the next few weeks--actually, I was certain it would be November 16th....which came and went with me still pregnant.
Par continued to enjoy being an only child.
Thanksgiving was nice--and low key--we had Thanksgiving lunch with Gigi and dinner with Boo & Sir. And what is Thanksgiving dinner without a bouncy house!?! This was actually a pretty good idea--they were entertained and so were we--because let's face it, Thanksgiving day can drag on for little kids...Par wasn't too rough, but I was reassured that exactly what Par needs is a baby brother...soon enough, right!?!
Typically, I like to get our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving when everyone else is out shopping (because I'm usually already through and this year was no exception!)--but I also had this fantasy that our new "family of four" would trek out to the Christmas Tree Farm and watch as my strong husband cuts down our tree (like last year)....so I decided to wait for our little one to arrive---it would be any day at this point, right?
As Rusty went in and out of town for business I kept a vigil over my womb praying for Jack to come out (when Rusty was home) and praying for him to stay in (when Rusty was gone)--I was having pretty intense contractions for hours (4-5) at a time--and then they would stop--frustrating, huh?
So as time went on...my prayer for a natural VBAC (my prayer for the past 2 years) seemed to move out of reach as December 16th grew closer. On December 15th at my doctor's appointment, my doctor called the game and said I would need to have a c-section by December 18th (Friday) if I didn't go into labor. Well, at this point I was 42+ weeks--2+ weeks overdue--and although low, there are risks with a VBAC and being overdue brought about some other potential issues--as I thought about things--and as this became a very difficult decision--I weighed my desires very heavily--my desire to have more children clearly was more important than a VBAC--and although there is always a risk with any pregnancy--I couldn't help but be consumed that something may go wrong and render me unable to have more children. Something just didn't feel right about waiting until Friday--I couldn't rationalize waiting just 2 more days--I can't explain it now--and as I write this it doesn't make much sense anymore--but at the time my feeling was very strong and literally made me panicky to even consider waiting. So my c-section was scheduled for Wednesday, December 16th--the original day my doctor had said he'd allow me to go to.
Ironically, it had many similarities to my first birth--although they told me it would be completely different and relaxing this time around--I'm not faulting anyone--just saying--it wasn't much different, except the atmosphere was "happier"--like my first--it took 3 times and 2 people to place my epidural, I had blood pressure issue that caused a little commotion and although initially the birth of Jack was joyful--he was taken from me and sent to the NICU. That was harder than when they took Par. With Par, I knew what was going to happen, I had prepared myself. With Jack, I had prepared myself for the perfect birth that I never got with Par--but I guess God isn't done with my character building--because I was knocked on my knees and so upset--even tried to talk them out of taking him. My heart still races as I think about those moments and handing him to the nurses.
But my little chunk (9 pounds 5 ounces!!! can you believe it!?! I still can't!) healed quickly--and by Sunday--we hit the road home! Although we'll never know, had I waited it out until Friday and still needed a c-section, things could have been very different...like we may not have been home for Christmas.
But we were home for Christmas!!! Actually, with a few days to spare! How's our adjustment been? Well, let's say that it is impossible to really adjust in the throws of the holidays and a new baby--but we did pretty well! Our first major outing other than doctor appointments was my brother's birthday--and who was there? SANTA!!!! Par told Santa about a zillion times that he wanted a "Ride on Thomas the Choo-Choo train"--we got a family picture with Santa--but Jack wasn't able to tell Santa what he wanted because he was trapped in my sling the entire time.
Christmas eve lunch with Gigi was delicious--and Par loved all the wonderful and fun presents! Jack slept through much of the excitement! We enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner with Boo & Sir--but no bouncy house...instead, the kids opened a few presents--anything to run out some of that energy so that they would sleep soundly....and it worked. As Rusty and I walked into Midnight Mass--our precious boys still dressed in their precious handmade lace outfits (by Boo, of course--and I did a little) went right to sleep--and slept the next 2 hours...
We went to sleep by 3:30ish...and the boys woke up around 8am--and boy was Christmas morning fun! Santa brought one gift for each of them--Jack a sterling rattle (same first Christmas gift for Par) and Par a........Ride on Thomas the choo-choo train! He LOVES it! Although we had a little issue at first, once fixed, Par rode the train like a champion! The grandparents stopped by for a look!
Rusty's dad and Minnie had previously come when I had Jack--but they arrived in Birmingham after he had been taken to the NICU--because the NICU only allows parents in, they left before meeting him. So they came back on New Year's eve for the official meeting! We had a wonderful dinner, exchanged presents, watched Par ride on Thomas, watched Jack sleep and poop--and did this for a few days before they headed back to Asheboro. It was a great visit--I only wish Jack was a little more exciting--but it was totally worth it for Par--he loves his Big D!
Jack's baptism was January 3rd--a miracle in itself that we were able to plan, invite and celebrate in such a short amount of time (a very special thanks to Boo and Fr. Bazzel for making it happen!) It was between Masses--with just family and friends--and Jack (who rarely cries) cried the entire time! And Par? He ran around the entire time chattering! But it was music to my ears--my two boys very alive and very well--praise God for his goodness. As I stood there holding my little Jack as he recieved this beautiful gift from God--and watched Par run, smiling, laughing, talking--so comfortable in "big Jesus' house" as he calls it--my birth plan seemed so insignificant. My hospital stay seemed like a blink. My c-section pained seemed like a pinch. The bigger picture was much clearer--and as I mother my boys amidst spit up, diapers and 2 year old tantrums...I remind myself to think back on that day.
Finally, Jack had his 2 week checkup and Par had his 2 year checkup (2 months late!) The boys are doing great!!!! Our 2 week old baby born weighing 9 lbs 5 oz--lost 1 pound his first 5 days....but at his 2 week checkup weighs.......10 lbs 5 ozs!!!!!! Can you believe it?
And our little monkey Par...well...he cried the entire time we were there...thanking everyone (dr. and nurses) and telling them goodbye between his shrills! Thankfully a sucker and a sticker calmed him as we left....but, we did get the great news that Par is now in the 10%!!!!!! That is officially on the growth chart!
Enjoy our pictures....
Epilepsy and the miracle of croup
7 years ago
Oh Liz! I am so happy to read and see about your beautiful family! We send our love and miss you all dearly!
wow....amazing story, so glad you shared! loved reading everything & of course i loved the c-section pics :) just the OR nurse in me!!! the boys are both beautiful!! and you look great!!
What cute pictures of the boys.
Are you used to saying "the boys" yet? It took me a few months. So glad everything has worked out so well. It's all according to God's plan...we're just along for the ride. Enjoy it all!
the NC cousins
What amazing and wonderful blessings!!! Thanks for sharing!!
so much congratulations to you and yourfamily...okay he is a biggie but this is wonderful that your all home and loving life under one roof. your pictures are just wonderful and deed i think he is goingto look a lot like par...congrats on 10% even hitting the growth chart...guess jack has put some performance pressure on him. again congrats and enjoy it all (crazy time ahead!)
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