Par & Jack Pics...(updated 11/26/11))

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Date night

Par had dinner with his friend tonight... They held hands, played with
knives and choked on food...a perfect night!!!!


Hope for congenital diaphragmatic hernia said...

Way too cute! AHHHH Keep that picture forever!

~Terri and Ava

The Bennett Family... said...

I love it! I have a picture of John with another CDH babe he was in the NICU with. They live in Ocala and everytime we come down, we meet up and spend some time together. This one particular photo was taken at Oaks Mall as they were walking down a set of steps together. She tripped and reached out to grab his hand. Her mother and I say we are going to blow it up and have it at their wedding :) I'll send it to you.

God Bless,

Fer said...

OMG that's so cute!